Best AI Art Prompts: A Gateway to Digital Creativity

An example of artwork created by AI.

Ever wondered how to turn a simple text prompt into a breathtaking work of art? Welcome to the revolutionary world of AI art generation!

Just as the Wright Brothers took to the skies, AI art is taking creativity to new heights. With tools like Adobe Firefly, Midjourney, and DALL-E, the power to create stunning visual pieces lies at your fingertips. But the secret to captivating images? It’s all in the prompt.

This is where PromptVibes steps in.

PromptVibes offers a specialized AI prompt generator and tools service, designed to complement systems like ChatGPT. It’s about making the complex technique of prompt crafting more accessible and effective, allowing you to mix surreal elements with reality, and even revive historical artistic styles with ease. 

Hence, don’t miss out on the latest updates and tips! Sign up for our newsletter and join a community passionate about pushing the boundaries of AI creativity.

As you embark on this journey, our guide, backed by the expertise of PromptVibes, will serve as your essential roadmap to mastering the best prompts for AIi art. So, let’s learn how your words can transform into visually stunning realities. 

Understanding AI Art 

AI art generators are a blend of advanced technology and creative expression. By using machine learning algorithms, these generators learn from a vast array of art styles and forms. When you provide a text prompt to these AI tools, they use this extensive knowledge to create an image. The more detailed and vivid your description, the more precisely the AI can bring your vision to life. It’s as if you’re giving instructions to a highly skilled artist who can work in any style you can imagine, from ultra-realistic to abstract.

As this technology continues to grow and evolve, it’s pushing the boundaries of what we consider digital art. It offers artists and creatives a unique opportunity to experiment with various visual expressions, blending traditional forms with futuristic digital techniques. 

How to Write an AI Art Prompt

To create a quality piece of art, you need to devise a quality prompt that provides enough information while allowing the AI tool to use its creativity. 

Here are five steps to craft the perfect prompt:

1. Start With a Clear Subject

Begin your prompt by clearly stating the subject or main element of your desired image. This could be anything from an object to a person, a scene, or an abstract concept.


  • A majestic oak tree.
  • A bustling city street at night.
  • A serene mountain landscape.

2. Add Descriptive Details

Enhance your prompt with descriptive adjectives and adverbs. Describe colors, emotions, actions, and settings. The more detailed your description, the better the AI can visualize and create your concept.


  • A majestic oak tree with sprawling branches and vibrant green leaves.
  • A bustling city street at night, illuminated by neon signs and busy traffic.
  • A serene mountain landscape with snow-capped peaks and a crystal-clear lake.

3. Specify Artistic Styles or Influences

If you have a particular technique in mind, like impressionism, surrealism, or a specific artist’s approach, include this in your prompt. This guides the AI in emulating that style in the generated artwork.


  • A majestic oak tree in the style of Vincent Van Gogh.
  • A bustling city street at night, resembling a scene from a cyberpunk graphic novel.
  • A serene mountain landscape depicted in Japanese ukiyo-e woodblock print style.

4. Consider Composition and Perspective

Mention if you want a close-up, a wide-angle view, or a specific perspective like a bird’s eye view. This helps in framing the image as per your vision.


  • A close-up of the oak tree’s gnarled bark and leafy canopy.
  • A wide-angle view of the city street, capturing the expansive urban setting.
  • A bird’s eye view of the mountain landscape, highlighting its vastness.

5. Experiment and Refine

AI art generation often involves trial and error. Start with a basic prompt, see what it generates, and then refine your prompt based on the outcome. This iterative process can help you better understand how the AI interprets different phrases and descriptions.


  1. a. Initially: A cat sitting on a windowsill.

b. Refined: A fluffy white cat basking in the morning sun on an old wooden windowsill with potted plants.

  1. a. Initially: A sunset over the ocean.

b. Refined: A vibrant sunset over a calm ocean, with reflections of pink and orange hues on the water.

  1. a. Initially: A medieval castle.

b. Refined: An imposing medieval castle on a hill, shrouded in mist, with torches lighting the stone walls at dusk.

Best AI Art Prompts

An example of artwork created by AI.

When it comes to crafting prompts, the sky’s the limit. But to get you started, here are a few examples that effortlessly balance imagination and specificity:

A Fusion of Styles and Eras

This involves combining different styles and historical periods to create unique and anachronistic artworks.


  • A portrait in the style of Renaissance art fused with modern abstract graffiti.
  • A cyberpunk 2077 cityscape with Victorian architectural elements.
  • A scene from Ancient Greece depicted in the style of Art Deco.

Surreal and Abstract Concepts

These prompts challenge AI to create artwork that defies conventional reality, often resulting in unexpected and thought-provoking images.


  • A dreamscape where the oceans meet the sky in a swirl of stars.
  • An abstract representation of emotions, with colors symbolizing joy intertwining with shapes of sadness.
  • A surreal scene of flying elephants over a checkerboard desert under a two-sunned sky.

Hyper-Realistic Scenarios

This category focuses on designing highly detailed and realistic images, blending real-world elements with imaginative concepts.


  • A bustling 1920s New York street scene with futuristic hovercars.
  • An ultra-realistic depiction of a rainforest with mythical creatures lurking in the shadows.
  • A photorealistic image of a quaint European village under a northern lights sky.

Futuristic Visions

These prompts explore futuristic themes, often incorporating sci-fi and advanced technology elements.


  • A depiction of a utopian city on Mars, with bio-domes and advanced transportation systems.
  • An AI’s vision of humanity’s next evolutionary step, set in a high-tech metropolis.
  • A science fiction battlefield with laser weapons and hover tanks.

Artistic Mediums and Techniques

Here, the focus is on specifying particular artistic mediums or techniques, influencing the texture and feel of the generated image.


  • A tranquil lakeside scene in the impressionist watercolor style.
  • A charcoal sketch of a bustling café in Paris.
  • A digital art piece depicting a futuristic robot in a cubist style.

Typographic Art

This involves using text to generate visual art, often resulting in striking and meaningful pieces.


  • The word “Peace” is depicted in a calligraphic style, with each letter made up of dove silhouettes.
  • “Hope” written in a graffiti style, incorporating symbols of resilience and strength.
  • The name “Einstein” is rendered in a typographic style that incorporates elements of his scientific theories.

Tips for Creating a Good AI Art Prompt

An example of artwork created by AI.

When formulating prompts, it’s essential to communicate your vision effectively to the AI. A well-constructed prompt not only guides the AI in creating an artwork that aligns with your idea but also leverages its capabilities to produce something truly unique and compelling. 

Here are some tips to help you create impactful and effective AI art prompts:

Tips Description Examples
Be Specific Use detailed descriptions for precision. A sun-kissed golden retriever with windswept fur on a shimmering beach at sunset.
Balance Detail with Openness Provide clear details while allowing AI creativity. A futuristic cityscape with neon lights and undefined floating elements.
Use Descriptive Language Employ vivid adjectives and adverbs for a more evocative image. A tranquil, misty forest at dawn.
Incorporate Emotions and Atmosphere Add elements that influence the mood of the artwork. A cozy, dimly-lit café, exuding warmth and nostalgia.
Experiment With Art Styles and Techniques Specify styles or techniques to guide the artwork’s aesthetic. Mention impressionism or watercolor for a specific artistic effect.
Consider Composition Direct the AI’s ‘camera lens’ to shape the scene. A panoramic, bird’s-eye view of a sprawling, mystical landscape at dusk.
Iterate and Refine Use initial results to refine your prompts. Transform “a peaceful lake” to “a serene lake reflecting autumn sunset hues.”
Keep Up with Trends and Updates Stay informed about new AI features and experiment with them. Use a tool’s vintage effect for a 1920s Paris street scene, as if captured through an old, sepia-toned photograph.
Be Mindful of Ethical Considerations Avoid prompts that may generate copyrighted or sensitive content. Instead of asking for “a famous painting recreation,” request “an original artwork inspired by the emotion and color palette of Van Gogh’s Starry Night.”
Have Fun and Explore Engage in the creative process with unconventional ideas. A whimsical underwater city, bustling with fantastical sea creatures and coral skyscrapers, under a glowing aquamarine sky.

5 AI Image Generators to Try

Now that you know how to create a prompt, it’s time to create your digital artwork! Here’s a look at some of the best AI image generators to bring your vision to life:

1. Adobe Firefly

Adobe Firefly beta ad with a stylized bird in vivid red, blue, and orange hues on a pink-to-orange gradient background.

Adobe Firefly is designed for artists looking to integrate AI seamlessly into their creative workflow. It offers a broad spectrum of styles, from realistic to abstract, and is equipped with intuitive tools that cater to various skill levels. Its strength lies in its adaptability, enabling users to explore digital art in ways that were previously inaccessible or required extensive technical knowledge.

2. Midjourney

Graphic illustration with white and blue text resembling programming code on a dark blue background, creating an abstract design with Midjourney written in the center.

More than a platform, Midjourney is a community for digital artists. It facilitates a space where creativity is shared and enhanced through collaboration. More specifically, users benefit from a wealth of collective knowledge and inspiration, making it an ideal environment for those seeking to expand their horizons and connect with like-minded creators.

3. DALL-E 2 

A black background featuring the text DALL-E 2.

A creation by OpenAI, DALL-E 2 excels in its ability to generate diverse and imaginative visual content from text descriptions. This tool is a boon for creative professionals and hobbyists alike, offering a glimpse into the future of AI-driven art generation. Simply put, its ability to interpret and visualize complex prompts makes it a valuable asset for conceptualizing and materializing innovative ideas.

4. Jasper Art

A screenshot of Jasper Art’s interface.

Jasper Art combines the power of AI with the ease of text-based inputs. It excels in transforming text prompts into vivid imagery, offering a spectrum from hyper-realistic to abstract images. It is ideal for artists, marketers, and content creators, as this art tool simplifies the generation process for all skill levels, blending intuitive AI technology with creative potential. 

5. Artbreeder

A screenshot of Artbreeder’s interface.

Standing out for its collaborative and experimental nature, Artbreeder is especially suited for those who wish to push the boundaries of traditional art. As the technology allows users to blend styles and elements in novel ways, it is another excellent choice for artists and designers looking to explore new forms of artistic expression and engage in collaborative projects.

Final Thoughts

As seen in this guide, the best prompts for AI art generation are a blend of precision, imagination, and experimentation. By being specific yet open to the AI’s interpretative abilities, using descriptive language, and trying out various artistic styles and compositions, you can unlock the full potential of AI art generation.